Back at it!Gijs van de Kerkhof11 aug 20231 minuten om te lezenHoliday is over, back to drums!Feast your eyes on this!Incredible shipment of Craviotto Drum Company just hit the shop!Customshop 14x6.5 CherryCustomshop 14x6.5 MapleCustomshop 14x7 MahoganyCustomshop 14x8 AshDamn, these are so sweet!
Holiday is over, back to drums!Feast your eyes on this!Incredible shipment of Craviotto Drum Company just hit the shop!Customshop 14x6.5 CherryCustomshop 14x6.5 MapleCustomshop 14x7 MahoganyCustomshop 14x8 AshDamn, these are so sweet!